The Pedigree

What does Pedigree mean

The pedigree is a document that shows the characteristics defined by a particular type of race.

The pedigree shows the animal's family tree up to several generations back and keeps the track of its bloodline.

You will find here the ascending of the dog and the belonging to a particular subset.

So the pedigree (certificate of registration in herd books) is the document that certifies the animal ancestry, and it identifies the membership possibly to a race.

The presence of the pedigree doesn't formally define an animal is bred but allows you to identify the specific morphological group of belonging.

Over the years, to facilitate the work of scholars were collected pairs claimed by farmers in the so-called studbooks managed by bodies or associations. The same authorities have the power to issue a genealogical extract of a particular subject.

Upon the purchase of an animal, its pedigree is transferred along with the transfer of ownership. To register an animal in the book of origins is necessary that both parents have been recorded themselves and then have the pedigree. Even a private pedigree can request for their animals, demonstrating the registration of players and therefore their previous pedigree.

Enci: what is it? how does it work?

This association was founded in 1882, as an Idea of some nobles and dog-lovers with the aim of protecting the dog breeds in Italy, creating the Italian Kennel Club. From this idea, “The HERD BOOK"(ex LOI now become ROI)was born and as first mentioned sees a bloodhound Italian born in 1875, Falco, not surprisingly a hunting dog, since the races hunting were considered "more seriously."

 In 1897, the Statute was ratified, and the regulations were updated to have access to the “ HERD Book”.

ENCI obtained, from the Ministry of Economics, the legal recognition which will then be "approved" also by the Ministry of Agriculture.

Over the years, people get confused about the real functions of this Association.

Several dog lovers and workers of the Canine World persuaded customers by thinking that Enci has ministerial functions! Absolutely FALSE!



The same thing happens in Europe and worldwide, these ASSOCIATIONS ARE REGULATED IN THE SAME way.

THE ONLY DIFFERENCE IS, THAT IN EUROPE AND in THE WORLD THERE is no MONOPOLY and there is a big competition by undertaking PROJECTS ON THE HEALTHY Kennel, and it gives the possibility to people to create them own business respecting them own philosophy.

Fci: what is it? how does it work?

The fédération cynologique internationale (sometimes referred to by the acronym fci) is a international federation of associations of canine breeders founded in 1911 by representatives of germany (kartell für das deutsche hundewesen delegierten und die kommission), austria (österreichischer kynologenverband), belgium (société royale saint-hubert), france (société centrale canine) and the netherlands (raad van beheer op kynologisch gebied in nederland). 

In 2018 , there were associations that took part to the fci and represented 88 nations.

The federation recognizes 339 breeds, each belonging to a specific country of origin, which is responsible for drafting the breed standard.

The fci provides for the translation and updating of documentation in the official languages. The recognized standards and international regulations are available in english, spanish, german and french.

It is a private association of breeders and it doesn’t work on behalf of any entity state, but it has the recognition to operate like any other trade association.

Enci and fci are not state authorities but private non-profit associations. 

In italy, enci is in charge of releasing pedigree, unfortunately, it still hold the monopoly in antitrust law, and it doesn’t allow the development of great and fair competition in full compliance with laws.


In europe, there is no monopoly therefore associations of breeders in compliance with the criteria described by the european laws, can ask for the ministerial recognition and legal personality to respect the local rules and european ones and issuing the pedigree (certified family).

What about European laws ratified in Italy? How can we validate a Pedigree, as a valid document issued from a recognized association?

Directive 91/174 / EEC on the zootechnical and pedigree requirements for the marketing of purebred animals. FOR ITALY RATIFIED WITH Legislative Decree of 30/12/1992 n. 529 -Herd Book.
In force since 26.01.1993 the Herd Book means the book kept by an association of National breeders with legal personality or entity of public law, in which breeding animals are a registered with the specific race with mention of their ancestors and performance
reproductive and productive.

Animal Register.
The Animal register means, the type of the register kept by an association of
breeders with legal personality or a public association, in which animals are registered with breeding a particular race and with the mention of their ancestors if known, and any performance
reproductive and productive.

It is allowed the commercialization of animals with national or European origin of the breed, as well as' semen, ova, and embryos of the same, only with reference to subjects enrolled in books genealogical or population registers, referred to in art. 1, paragraph 1,
a) and b), and that they are accompanied by a certificate of genealogy, released by the Association of breeders who holds relative herd book or the population register.

2. The marketing of purebred animals originating in third countries is allowed, for which the Minister of Agriculture and Forests has a provision established the existence of a regulatory minimum equivalent to the national one. Under the same conditions and 'permissible commercialization of sperm, ova and embryos from by those animals originating in third countries. No longer permitted conditions' favorable than those applicable to the original breed animals countries Community.

The herd books and animal registers are set up, after the approval of the decree of the Minister of Agriculture and Forests, the
national associations of breeders of species or race, as per art. 1 a) and b), with legal personality and in possession of requirements established by order of the Minister for Agriculture and forests (FOR ITALY).

These genealogical books and population registers are kept by the abovementioned associations on the basis of specific regulations approved also with


Decree of the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry (FOR ITALY)


And then what's position on the french bulldog exotic?

Today, the french exotic bulldogs (non-standard colors) aren’t recognized by fci and enci. Same thing happens for the american bully and many other races to date, which are present in the world and with a great economic value. But it is normal that it isn’t recognized by associations as fci and enci.

It is absolutely reprehensible, that some breeders continue to say that this breed suffers of genetic diseases, and as it doesn’t have an enci fci pedigree it is a “mestizo”.



Our opinion and position



We are based in Bratislava, in the Slovak Republic, which is the third richest region of europe, there isn’t the monopoly of any association here.

In 2016, as we totally didn’t agree with the guidelines of fci and enci that discriminate exotic breeds, we proudly founded a kennel club in line with our values that bring forward our idea of the development of healthy cynophiles activity.

We believe in protection and controlof the evolution of genetic variations of french bulldog, such as the french bulldog exotic breed.
It was born as KAS(kennel association slovensko), recognized by our slovak ministry of competence, and with legal personality in compliance with the european laws.

The KAS authorized by our ministry of competence, can create and manage with “ genealogical registers” and is able to issue a valid pedigree, that will not be 'recognized by enci ed fci, as our association works out of their circuit and especially with a different point of view on the canine world.
You will find several realities like ours, all around europe like in germany, poland, spain, and uk. None of those associations collaborates in any way with fci. The same thing happens in the usa.
We'll make another reflection in the way to make you understand, there are some associations that choose to discriminate certain colors,

Let's make an example:
Nowadays, the french bulldog fawn is in the standard color of the race and may have a pedigree.

If we pay attention to the regulations defined by fci /enci, this color was victim of discrimination, and this is what it is happening now with the exotic color. It is not accepted as a standard color and these associations say without any scientific proof that it is beareer of genetical diseases,
What if the variations of the standard prepared by these associations would be just a strategy to keep and save the pockets rather than saving and promoting a healthy canine world?
a” sick color specimen” with genetic diseases should remain the same!
We bet that with the growth of demand of french exotic bulldog, several associations and enci fci , will recognize them in a near future?
In a way to save them their business, you can already find in europe exotic exemplary with fci pedigree.

Is this a first opening for the exotic specimen? did they apply any exams?
We continue with our philosophy,



We love to improve and become the best and most of all we hope to extent our vision to others and developing a healthy Kennel Club.

kas     wdf    no enci    no fci

I Cuccioli Di Carlotta , s.r.o.
Durkova 12, 94901 Nitra  - Repubblica Slovacca

ICO: 46792147.IC DPH SK2023573013
vlozka cislo: 32303/N. Oddiel Sro


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